Midnight Ride

Mission paul revere had to do

 In the old north church was where the signal was issued

Date was April 18 1775

Night where minutemen were ready

In the night was when Paul Revere rode to lexington and didn’t make it to concord

Galently the riders rode

Had been caught been released

 The regulars are coming said Paul Revere


In america

Dawes,Presscott,and Revere were the riders

Exceptionaly quick


Our teacher challenged us to do good service so i swept the sidewalk  at our house.It is not much but now my sister can skateboard on the sidewalk.Most of us just think of MLK day as a day of from school or work but it is much more.MLK day is a day to do something good for your town.What would Martin Luther King want you to do? So if you ever get the chance do something good.