Patriot Poem

Served in the continental army under general James Varnum

was a brave volunteer in the army

he was a good private

17th continental regiment

Joseph Plumb Martin

promoted to sergeant

He camped at Valley Forge

assigned to light infantry in 1778

present at the battle of Brooklyn and fort Mifflin




Women in the revolution

Women in the revolution were important because no one suspected they were spies.Women such as Deborah samson wanted to be in the army.Deborah pretended to be a man to fight in the army.She kept her identity hidden.She did get shot and pulled the bullet out herself.Amazing!The british never suspected women would be spies.Other women like captain Molly or Sibyl ludington were spies.Captain molly was at a fort just outside of fort washington.Women helped the spying on redcoats.We may not even have won the revolution if it spy women were not on our side.They gathered info from the british like where they would attack next or how much supplies they had.Women in the revolution did some great things!